Monday, March 25, 2013

Moms of multiples sale!

This last weekend the Northside M.O.M's group hosted their annual sale... lots of clothes, toys, strollers, high chairs... you name it... they have it.. and usually multiple sets!
since I am a member of the group I got to preview sale shop on Friday night! Another bonus... since I am pregnant, I got to bring a "helper" (my sister Steph), and I got to be at the head of the line to shop first! Kind of neat!
They open the sale up on Saturday to the public for anyone to come and get what they need... like a well organized garage sale! It was AWESOME!

I made out with quite  large bag of clothes of all sizes... I only got up to about 9 months... because you just don't know sizes after that... I even got some premie size clothes... so crazy how teeny tiny they are... they are a hard size to find in retail stores but at a multiples sale, there was a plethora!

We grabbed another bouncy seat that vibrates, a little activity table, a double snap and go stroller, and a big bag full of toys... all for such a great deal!

It was fun to have my sister come and meet all the ladies I have been hanging out with lately and getting advice from. She was just blown away at the many moms of triplets that were there... she had so many questions... simply..."how do you do it?" and " What is a typical day like for you?"  I guess when you are only used to having one at a time, you become curious of a lifestyle outside of it.... but this life of three babies... will be my new normal... BRING IT ON! :)

I didn't get too many pictures....

the room of toys...

half the room of clothes...

1 comment:

  1. I heard about the sale and I was gonna ask if you were going. Sounds like it was worthwhile! Awesome!
