Tuesday, December 23, 2014

18 month

How old?  18 Months.

Our weights?  H: 24lbs 5oz. N: 21lbs 1oz. G: 21lbs 13oz
Heights: H: 30in N:30.5in. G: 30in. 

They are wearing 18 months clothes right now.  Still some 12 month pants because we have some shorties... but all in all everything else is 18 months!

Our sleeping patterns? We are down to 1 nap a day. roughly from 12:45-3:45.... still good nappers.... and bedtime is around 7:30pm... and they wake up between 7-8am!
Every now and again, one or two will squawk in the middle of the night, but they usually can put themselves back to sleep. 

 Our eating schedule?  Breakfast-8:30, lunch-noon, snack when they wake up from nap, and dinner around 5:15.

 Our favorite foods?  We LOVE crackers, Pirates booty is our favorite snack, noodles, raspberries, green beans, cantaloupe, nilla wafers, avocados, and cheese.
Our likes? The Wiggles DVD, running back and forth in the living room, playing in diaper boxes, dancing, getting our hands on mama's phone, jumping on the bed, climbing on everything, giving hugs and kisses to each other, watching the cars go by outside, car rides, bath time!

 Our dislikes?  the vacuum, timeouts when they are naughty (the other two want to come be in timeout with the naughty one at the time...), getting faces cleaned after meals, when they take toys from each other... but they are getting better at sharing.
Our favorite games/toys?  boxes, tupperware drawer, spoons, peek-a-boo, blocks, cars/ramp, animal books.
Our milestones?  They all have animal sounds down... Graham is starting to repeat words all the time, Nolan can follow tasks very well, and H is very good and motor skills. They can do all the actions to head, shoulders, knees, and toes, if your happy and you know it, twinkle twinkle little star. We are amazed at how quickly they are picking up words and phrases.
Things we do to make Mom and Dad smile?  Saying baby when they see their new cousin on facetime, babbling conversations with each other, their precious giggles, giving us hugs and kisses, saying buh bye when we leave or hi mama or dada when they see us, snuggle time when they slow down for it, and watching them with both sets of grandparents is just a joy!

Our pictures


Thanksgiving was a bit chaotic this year... shocking I know.
We were excited to hear that Dave's aunt and uncle who lived close by to us were hosting this year, so we knew we could probably make that work with the boys nap schedule.

Since the plan was to eat at 1... and the boys usually go down for nap around that time, we headed over there a little earlier to get our time well spent there.... the boys of course started getting into everything, new territory, new stuff to touch and explore, but all in all, handled pretty well.
We fed them around 11:45 with whatever food was ready, along with some of their staple favorites in case Thanksgiving fare would not go over well....
they didnt eat too well because of all the stimulation... but oh well.

We decided, I would take them home to nap, and when they woke up, I would head back with them, and my sister Taylor (my side was not celebrating Thanksgiving till the Sunday after, which was nice!)
Well... sadly the boys didnt nap well... or at all.... and for whatever reason, I was so frustrated with it... and on top of that, it was the first thanksgiving, I felt alone... the boys were "napping", and everyone else was together, eating, and enjoying each others company.... I got emotional... but threw it together, got the boys ready again and we headed back to Dave's aunt and uncles for games, snacks, and hang out...
Dave took the boys in the basement to play so I could finally eat some Thanksgiving food.

We fed the boys again... this time down in the basement... giving them bites as they ran around and tired themselves out...

We headed home for baths and bed.... it was quite the day... but Thankful to have family to celebrate it with.

The Sunday following Thanksgiving, we headed to my parents around 4 for dinner and to celebrate my sister Taylor's birthday. This evening went  A LOT smoother... plenty of people to help with the boys, lot of toys at grandma and grandpas to play with, dinner was awesome, and everything went really well.
When we got in the car to come home, Dave and I looked at each other and shared how smooth that all went... we got to eat with the family at the table... (first time in a long time), they boys ate well, played well, and were ready for bed when we got home!

Another thanksgiving for the books... although stressful, we have so much to be thankful for!