Sunday, March 20, 2016

March 2016

The Here are some of the fun things that happened this month!

My sisters and I, along with dave and Waylon, took the cousins to Grand Slam for some fun! For them and for us!
We did some bumper cars, and the kiddos climbed around in the play area. Henry got a bit freaked out from the air compressed machine that would launch foam balls into the air whenever someone pushed the button... so it was a short lived trip due to some over stimulation.

We headed to TGI Fridays for lunch, where Henry had an allergic reaction to their french fries (garlic was in the seasoning). Ran to the near by Walgreens to get Children's Benedryl which helped. (We never leave the house without it now)

The boys are loving their ECFE class we attend every Wednesday morning. We are in the multiples class again, so all the kids are twins, and we are the only set of triplets. We absolutely love the teachers! Half of the class is spent together, while the second half is spent with the moms in another room talking about parenting topics while the kids have structured play! This has been amazing for the boys to socialize and work on getting ready for preschool this fall!

Graham made the local paper, when they did a story on how the community was celebrating Dr. Seuss' birthday. Our nanny Sarah brought them to a story time, where a reporter was there. He took their pictures and asked for permission, and a co-worker of my sister pointed it out a few weeks later! YAY Graham!

My sisters and I had a great time attending our cousin Suzanne's wedding at the Ice House!  I always cherish our time together with family, but when we can get together just us sisters, it seems even more special!

Since I have Fridays off, I always try to find fun stuff for us to do! We went to Chucky Cheese for the first time with my friend Nikki and her Triplet boys, plus one older boy during their spring break. The boys had a lot of fun going on the little rides, and watching the bigger boys play their games and earn tickets!

One morning before work, as I was getting ready to leave, I was making my rounds in kisses and hugs. When I got to Nolan he said, "can I nuggle with you first?" How could I turn that down? So I sat on the couch, and it wasnt long before the other two climbed up to nuggle too....My dad snapped a few pictures while saying, "this is what parenting is all about". He was so right, I am so glad he did this, because it isnt often these moments can be captured!

My sisters and I got together again for another playdate at an indoor tumble place near our house. We had a great time!

Easter happened in is one picture from that, but I will post separately about it.

We are going to be starting potty training, like for real, next month... so stay tuned for that adventure!

and a few more cute pictures just because!

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