Oh who am I kidding, everyone has a lot going on, its no excuse... especially since I am using this blog as a way to document our life moments... so here we go.. I am going to give a month by month update... as best I can... so we can get all caught up, just in time for the holiday season! Deal?
Hang with me through this long but hopefully entertaining post...
Ok, here we go....
July 2015
- We had a great time at my sister's cabin in Annandale for the 4th of July! They have a great parade down main street, and we got to spend some time on their pontoon... boys first boat ride.
- I went with my church to the National Youth Gathering in Detroit Michigan
- My youngest sister Casey got married!!! The whole family was in the wedding... Our little three guys were the cutest ring bearers! (Nolan also got a black eye right before hand from falling on a toy.. so he had a nice shiner for wedding pictures)
- I ended my 4 years as Pastor for Children, Youth, and Family at Zion Lutheran on July 26th- it was a tough departure because I LOVED this congregation deeply.
- lots of other trips to the park, pool time in our back yard, and playtime outside!
August 2015
- I started my new call as associate pastor at St. Philips Lutheran church in Fridley, MN
- I got glasses for the first time in my life!
- A fun trip to the Minnesota Zoo
- lots of development with talking, and learning
- we transitioned to toddler beds- it took us a a bit with sitting on the floor in their room to get the staying in bed concept... but bribing them with M&M's the next morning seemed to do the trick!
September 2015
- Dave and I got to go to the state fair! (it will be another year or 2 until the boys.. or more so the parents are ready for them to join us)
- Henry sadly got bit by a dog... nothing major, Since we knew the owner and the dog we were not too concerned...but since it was near his eye, we went to get it checked out and cleaned out... but no scar, and it didn't seem to scare him away from dogs permanently.
- Over the summer the boys attended music class in Edina a few Fridays here and there! They LOVE IT!
- We also started our first ECFE (Early childhood Family Education)class... Twins and Triplets in Anoka. We are the only set of triplets in there... all the rest are twins, but it is so great to be with other moms that speak "multiples". The teachers are fabulous, the boys love the classroom and all the fun stuff to play with, and its good practice for when they start preschool next fall (WHAT!?!?!?)
October 2015
- We went to the apple orchard with our friends who have triplet girls just a couple months younger then ours. We really have loved going to through the motions of parenting... although now we are seeing some differences based on boys verses girls... but we hope that the relationships will continue to grow with our 6... maybe even arranged marriages??
- We had some cute pictures done through a fundraiser with my Moms of Multiples club. We LOVED how they turned out!
- I was installed as pastor (church term) at my new church!
- The boys came down with some ear infections but bounced back quickly!
- We traveled to Rochester, MN for my internship site for their 150 anniversary.
- everyone LOVED meeting the boys and it was fun to see dear friends from this congregation.
- Halloween... I know this should be a post of its own, but I will just post all the cute pictures
November 2015
- The boys are at such a fun age...
- telling me what they like and don't like
- singing along to songs
- seeing them care for each other
- reading books
- watching their favorite movies- Frozen, Nemo, Cars, (Polar Express now)
- We celebrated our nephew Tyler's first birthday!
- Thanksgiving was at the Dvorak farm this year.
- The boys met our friend's Sarah and Drew's new baby... it was so sweet to see the boys so curious and so gentle with a little baby girl.
If your still reading this SUPER long post...way to go!!!! stay tune for a December update, as we get back on track!
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