Monday, November 4, 2013

5 months old- Halloween

How old? 5 Months Old!

Our weights: Estimates:  Henry-14lb , Nolan- 13lb, Graham-12lbs

Our sleeping patterns? daytime- Graham is only up for about 2 hours at a time before he needs to go down for a nap... sometimes 30 minutes... sometimes an hour... he usually takes a better afternoon nap. Nolan takes few and short cat naps throughout the day, and fights sleep every time. Henry, will just fall asleep wherever, doing whatever... every couple hours.
Nighttime: We go to bed around 6pm and each wake up 1 more time between 8-9 for one more bottle before bed. 
Nolan sleeps through the night now. Around 12-13 hours a night! We are grateful!
Henry and Graham- after a good 6 hour stretch will wake up every 3-4 hours for a bottle and then  go right back down. (Graham needs to be sung "He's got the whole world", while falling alseep)

Our eating schedule? 
We all take 5 ounce bottles first thing in the morning, around 7 am. Then we eat every 3-4 hours... 4 oz bottles. Nolan needs pear/prune juice in all his bottles to keep him regular.

We have oatmeal cereal, along with a fruit and a veggie at 5pm. We started trying solids at 4.5 months... and they took to it right away! We now do it every night, and between the three of them they polish it all off! 
Graham LOVES solids.... Nolan is loving it and getting the hang of it.... Henry will last about 5ish minutes and then want to be done and just eat a bottle.
Our favorite foods? Sweet potatoes, bananas, apples, and carrots.

Our likes? The ceiling fan, bathtime, dinner time, walks outside, being held, the TV, babbles, and blowing spit bubbles, mom and dad's funny noises.

Our dislikes? tummy time after about 5 minutes, laying on the floor for too long, waiting to eat if we are hungry.

Our favorite games/toys? peek-a-boo, activity mats, baby Einstein music toy, mirrors.

Our milestones? Henry rolled over on 10/24, started cereal on 10/13,  Nolan started sleeping through the night regularly 10/18, Henry is blowing raspberries, Nolan is sucking his thumb, Graham loves to stand and look out the window, first Halloween, Baptized, holding toys and bringing them to mouth, signs they are starting to teeth.

Things we do to make Mom and Dad smile? Henry talks to us while he eats, lots of smiles, cuddles, and fun noises! 

Their pictures are from their first Halloween! 
We just headed to my parents for a couple hours to show off their 'super' costumes, and then headed home for more grandparent time with Dave's parents... then off to bed for the night!

Our Pictures:

We did head to another triplet's house for a play date on Halloween. They have all girls... and were born 2 months after ours. So 6 babies... and 2 moms... at one point they were all quiet, either eating or sleeping... it only lasted about 20 minutes but it was fun to get together regardless and talk to a mom who is going through the same thing!
We are sporting our orange and black for halloween before getting into costumes!

Our potential future wives...
Henry, Emma, Graham, Harper, Nolan, and Zoey!

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