Wednesday, July 10, 2013

One day at a time

Although we have fallen into a routine.. Or so we think.... These boys definitely run the show. We are just in a three hour rotation of eating, sleeping, and changing diapers....
Such is the life of triplets..... People keep saying to us.... "I barely did it with one... I don't know how you do it?" Well.... We don't really know any different so this is just our normal and we go with it.... And its not like we have too much of a choice either. Lol but we are loving every minute of it,and not wishing away these moments of cuddles and tiny fingers and tiny toes.

Dave has been back at work now for a week and a half. I have had a steady group of helpers that come help with feedings.... And other household things like laundry,cleaning house, bottle washing, entertaining me, and even letting me sleep and shower. Although I know now I can do a feeding all alone... It helps when there is more then one person... I cuts the time in half.

Bath day has been falling on Wednesdays... So far.... They seem to like the bath which helps.

The boys go in on Friday for another weight check... But since they have all graduated out of their preemie clothes, I would say they are gaining weight like champs... I will have actual weights on Friday... Stay tuned.

Dave and I have now mounted our TV in the living room, since that is where all things baby occur. We are in there day and night to change babies, to feed babies, where the babies sleep ( in their rock and plays), so now 2am feedings go a bit soother with tv.

And to wrap up.... Here are just a few more pictures for you so you can see how they are growing!

I also got an Instagram account.... If you want to follow me... And see pictures and videos I take.... My user name is:

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1 comment:

  1. Yay! You guys are doing an amazing job! Really! And I love that you are keeping this little blog updated too :)
