How far along? 28 weeks 2 days
Sleep? Lying on my sides can be a hit or miss of comfortable... but back in now completely out of the question.... bring on more pillows!
Maternity Clothes? Now that it is nice out I gotta find a few more summery things
Best Moment this week? Making it to 28 weeks... another big milestone. I also I had a good OB appointment.
Miss Anything? "normal average day".... I have a new normal... which will be changing soon when those little guys show up.
Movement? Oh yes, when I am on my side especially.
Size of the Babies? Small cabbages. I will have new weight checks next Friday.
Food Cravings? Nothing specific... working on those 4000 calories a day. It is harder than you think.
Morning Sickness? no thank goodness!
Gender? Three little BOYS!
Bed Rest? Moving toward it, but not official yet.... My last day of work is May 5th.
Limitations? Movement.... all movement.
Weight Gain? Not as much as I thought at this point... but again, the babies are taking what they are needing first...
Pregnancy Symptoms? Contractions still... and very swollen feet!
Belly Button In or Out? Not out... but I am growing!
Wedding Rings On or Off? wedding rings on, but my cross ring on my right hand is off.... :(
Looking Forward To? Seeing the babies on Friday and getting a growth check. Finishing the final touches on the nursery... and finalizing my bag for the hospital.... gotta be ready, just in case!
Yay, you look so adorable! So happy everything is still going smoothly. Can't believe how soon they will be here!