Saturday, January 12, 2013

There is no place like home

Well finally after a week and 1 day of no furnace, we got that magic call from the service guy, Jim, that he would be by at 9am Thursday morning to install our furnace! We were so excited!!
I got to the house just in time as they pulled up. My plan was to just cozy up in our bed while they did there work but they had to shut the power off in most of the house.... Including our bedroom.... So no such luck!

I ended up leaving their check on the table and heading back over to our friends since I was already planning on watching their little boy Micah that afternoon. I got the call at 12:30 that they were all finished and the thermostat was set to 68!

By 4pm we were packing up all our stuff we had accumulated over the week and headed for home....after thanking Keith and Kristin over and over for their generous hospitality!
We came home to a warm house. I couldn't unpack fast enough! It seems our dog Bosley was happy to be home. He climbed right into our bed and camped out there for the night! (I think he was so tired form all the play time he got with the dog we lived with for the week!)

It's amazing how much you can take advantage of the little day to day things once they have been taken away from you.... Your own bed, heat, choice of clothes, you get the idea.

We have a new perspective on our home... Which now we have to start preparing for our newest members....

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