Wednesday, December 12, 2012

There are how many!?

On the day of our 7 week ultrasound, November 29, 2012.  I was so nervous, but feeling pretty confident! I had been having some pregnancy symptoms all the way through so I was still feeling pregnant... which is always a good sign.

Dave and I got there right on time. We had our ultrasound first. Same tec as the last time. She was feeling a bit nervous because she remembered our last 7 week ultrasound... but remained positive.
As soon as she started the ultrasound she said... "do you see what I see?"
I saw it right away.... TWINS! Baby A and Baby B right next to each other, but in separate sacs.
Dave needed a bit of guidance to see both, but eventually was right on board with us!
It is funny because I had been having twin dreams the past couple of weeks, and on the day we found out we were pregnant, I had eggs for breakfast, and cracked this open right away....
Our technician couldn't believe all the signs! Neither could we!! We measured both babies and got to hear both their heartbeats... best sound in the whole world! 
After all was measured, our tec was just scanning the rest of my uterus.. and we heard her say "Wait a minute"
I turn to look at her and say... "no... no wait a minute"
She saw a shadow at the top of my uterus and wanted to make sure it wasn't anything to be worried about.
As she scanned a bit closer....she turned to us and said... "yep, you are having three!!"
We all just started laughing and repeating "no way! Oh my Gosh! Are you Kidding!"

I thought she had just scanned over baby A again, but she then showed me separately, Baby A, Baby B, and Baby C. 

Was this real life!!?!?!?! Dave turned a nice shade of white and was grateful that he was sitting down. 
We couldn't believe it.... until we heard that third heartbeat (which was hard to hear at first because I had to hold my breath in order for her to find it... which was hard for me to do, because I had to catch my breath from the news!)

the rest of the appointment was quite a blur. We started thinking about the changes... buying a mini van, 3 car seats, three cribs, space in our house!? It was a whirlwind of a day!

All we really can say is that we are thrilled and scared! Our lives are going to be drastically changing forever! TIMES 3!

1 comment:

  1. I got chills reading this! Even though I knew what was coming. hahahah!
