Lots has been happening these last few weeks. We have been busy with outings and visitors and getting ready for Easter!
Standing is our preferred method of playtime now... Although we lose balance every so often so a few bumps and bruises come with this new method...
We love playing together. Lots of laughing, and hair pulling, and climbing over each other to get that toy! It's a busy house hold!
Nolan's godparents (my life long friend Katie) had their baby on April 1st. Liam Thomas, 9lbs 11oz baby boy... Almost weighing as much as my three combined!!! They are going to have so much fun playing together!!!
I celebrated my 30th birthday this last week. Dave and I got to go out on Monday, just the 2 of us... To dinner and a movie (which I may have Slept through some of it due to the reclining chairs, and the day starting at 4:30am)
Tuesday we got to go out with the Kerns to our Benihana birthday tradition (Kristin and Keith usually join too, but they just welcomed baby Elin that day)
So fun to be able to celebrate... Thanks to awesome family members for watching the boys!
The boys had their first McDonalds outing on April 18. We went with the Ross family, Cindy watches the boys during the week! They loved the fries and chicken nuggets, but loved all the people and chaos most, I think!
They got cute Easter baskets from Cindy! They got cute outfits, mum mum crackers, little bunnies, and bunny ears!!!!
Stay tuned for Easter pictures!!
Just for fun here are my colleagues for our traditional Good Friday pictures... We don't have fun together or anything...