Friday, December 27, 2013

To my boys...

Henry, Nolan, and Graham,
 I can't believe you have already been around for 6, almost 7 months! The time is going by so fast!
I thought I would write to each of you and let you know how our life is so much better because you are each in it!

Henry,  Hen, little man, Hank the tank, tubby,
My first, my baby A. You still remain to be the biggest of the three, by atleast 2 pounds. You make it hard for your brothers to catch up, but it could be coming... for now you are wearing 9 month clothes.
You are our sensitive baby. From noises, to people, to your skin even... you are sensitive! You love your mom and dad and always like to know where in the room we are.
You have the most hair, bright blonde and growing! Your ears still stick out a bit since they still fold in half when you lay on them. It is the cutest thing!

You used to be our laid back, sleeps so well baby.... and now your personality is coming through. You love to be upright, usually in your exersaucer, bouncing away and smiling at anyone that will look your way. You were the first to sit up, but lately you love to fly backwards and hang out. (Good thing we still have the bobby pillow there)
You have the sweetest raspy little voice. You laugh at funny faces and noises, and love to be thrown in the air! You take in short sounds in response to us talking, and love to blow raspberries!
Your cry breaks my heart every time I hear it. You have always had the saddest cry, which is now the loudest.... It is hard to hear you cry when I cant get to you right away. And now your big crocodile tears do not help one bit.
You have teeth coming in, but none have broke through yet.... but the drool is in full force!
You have become a great solid food eater, and are warming up to puffs, although you are still sensitive to foods that are not pureed!
You have been the baby that keeps us going to the doc. With a spinal check, double ear infection, a chest cold, and rash, you keep us busy... but you handle it all so well!
I love rocking you to sleep... you are so snuggley and sleep so well when being held. Those quiet moments with you are what I cherish!
I love you so much, and am so blessed to have you as my son! Keep growing little man... I love watching you grow and change into a little boy!

Nolan, Noly, no-ee, Noly Poly, Noly guacamole, Noly stromboli,
My baby C, but came out second, my mini me,
You still remain in the middle for length but Graham has caught up to you in weight. You are our smiley baby! You always love to flirt with EVERYONE... and always have a smile on your face... ready to laugh! You have lots of light brown hair, and beautiful skin!
  You have become our easy baby! You will be held by anyone... you love to work the crowds with your cuteness- long eyelashes and big smile...and you sleep through the night (first one!). You are easily amused and play well with people or by yourself. you never really cry unless you are STARVING or beyond tired!
When excited you flap your arms and kick your legs like crazy, especially when in your high chair to eat! You eat really well- bottle and solids, and have loved trying puffs!
You talk all the time... your new sounds and noises are so funny as you move your lips to create new sounds.... You talk yourself to sleep, and talk away as you wake up in the morning... you are more and more like your mommy as your personality emerges!
Your cry is quiet and comes from the back of your throat, but we barely hear it since you BARELY cry!
No teeth for you yet, but I think we should start seeing something in the next few months... drool for you is building...
When on the floor you scoot around on your back... so you will be mobile in no time!
My favorite times with you are on the changing table... as you kick and squirm and make faces at me... we love to laugh back and forth! You reach for my face with your little hands to explore! I love it!
I cant imagine our life with our you, our little Noly... keep talking, keep smiling, and laughing because it brightens my day so much! I love you Nolan!!

Graham, Grammy, Graham graham, GMan, stinker pie, goober,
 My 'baby', my little guy! You were the wild one in my tummy, and although you are alert and most observant of the three, you have calmed down quite a bit these last few weeks. You have caught up in size to Nolan, and are well on your way, wearing 6 month clothes. You love to make sure you are the center of attention... and let us know with noises if no one is looking at you! Once we do, you bashfully smile, laugh, and look away coy! TOO CUTE!
You have very light blonde hair, that is finally coming in! You have BIG blue eyes and the strongest legs I have ever felt. You love to stand and look around... making sure to follow all noises and action in the room!
You are such a good eater, bottles and solids... as soon as we put you in your chair (placed in the middle of course), you know what is coming... you have no interest in puffs yet... but we are working on it.
What we love about you is we always know what you are feeling... happy, frustrated, sad, tired... you always let us know! Your screams, and dolphin like 'whine' is a favorite of ours.... ugh
You have been getting progressively better at sleeping at night... which we love... you can be such a light sleeper though so we have to keep you and Henry separate since his cry is so loud it wakes you instantly!
 You love to stand, so the bouncy exersaucer is perfect for you. Although you were last to sit... you sit SO WELL now... and love to play your little piano or anything with flashing lights!
You blow raspberries throughout the day, especially when you eat (not fun).
No teeth yet, but everything goes in your mouth!
We dont call you fussy but particular... you like things a certain way... like bedtime, having blanket by your face and walked to sleep... you can tell when we sit and you dont like it...
I love playing with you! Your reactions to toys, funny faces, and noises are so funny! You are so reactive now and I love it!
You are our sweet little Graham and we are so in love with you! We cant wait to see your personality continue to evolve! I love you Graham Graham!

I cant imagine our life without our three little dudes. They keep us so busy but it is the best experience! I love having little boys!Seeing them with their dad is so cool and I know will only get better! So blessed with this incredible family!

Thursday, December 19, 2013

6 month check up + bonus pics!

So we went to the doctor for our 6th month appointment after I wrote the 6 month update. I thought I would post actual dates instead of estimates... as well as what we have been doing these last few weeks! LOTS of fun milestones!

first... the doctor went well. They are all still gaining weight ahead of schedule... and he said that they should all be in the 50 percentile by a year.... I am grateful!
Henry- 15lbs 12 oz     25 in long
Nolan- 13lbs 14oz     24 1/2 in long
Graham- 13lbs 14oz   24 1/4 in long ( he caught up!)

They each had 4 shots, but did a lot better then mommy.... I was a nervous wreck... since I know their sad cries more now, it just breaks my heart to hear it!

We are now up to eating solids 2 times a day, morning, around 8am and dinner at 5. They love their fruits, and Nolan is a bit questionable about veggies.

We went and saw Santa at Portraits from the heart in Andover...( a cute victorian house where the couple takes pictures from their home) They have it down to a science!... the boys never physically saw him... Santa was hidden and when he came out we backed the boys onto his knee .... so we got nothing but smiles this year.... I have a feeling next tear will be a different story.  We were in and out of there in 20 minutes! SLICK!

We are sitting up with little assistance now... such a fun new way to play on the floor. They interact with each other... it is only a matter of time before they will be mobile!!!

These next two were just too cute NOT to share! All smiles!

And here is a 6 month recap of the boys!

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

6 months old!

How old? 6 months

Our weights: Estimates:  Henry-18 , Nolan- 16, Graham-15
They are in 6 month clothes... Henry is in some 9 month outfits.
Our sleeping patterns?  They either take a good morning nap and a lighter afternoon nap...or vice versa. Depends on the day I guess. 

Nighttime: Bedtime around 6:30pm. Nolan is still sleeping through the night. Graham usually only gets up once. Henry, since he had his double ear infection has been getting up more at night for his pacifier or to be rocked... We are having a hard time adjusting back to old routines.

Our eating schedule? 
They eat 4.5 -5 ounces every 3-4 hours. We have solids for dinner at 5, with a final bottle before bed. Nolan is still needing juice in his bottle every now and again for regularity. All three of the boys have taken to eating solids... and are watching Dave and I closely when we eat our food... it is pretty funny.

Our favorite foods? Bananas, homemade applesauce, pears, and sweet potatoes.

Our likes? Singing, standing with assistance, looking out windows, funny noises, blowing raspberries, grabbing for mommy's phone, putting hands in mouths. 
H: eat his hands, being rocked by mommy, the phone, his pacifier, grabbing his feet
N: exersaucer, laughing, his teether, the television, laying on his back playing with playmat
G: exersaucer, loves to stand and observe everything, Oball, bumbo chair, Sophie the Giraffe.

Our dislikes? Being sick- Our family caught the 24 hour stomach bug, all within 24 of each other. It was terrible, but we persevered!  A lot of Pedialyte and Gadorade in this house!
Henry is our stranger danger kid, he needs time to warm up to anyone that is not mom or dad... even if it is someone they see on a regular basis. Nolan fights to go to sleep, he just doesnt want to miss anything.
Graham doesnt like to wait, it is now or.... now!!!

Our favorite games/toys? exersaucer, mirrors, teethers, Oball, baby einstein music player.

Our milestones?Henry's first ear infection on 11/12,  First overnight away, 11/22, Henry discovered his toes 11/21, Graham rolled from back to front 11/24, first stomach bug 12/1, Graham is scooting all the over the playmat, Henry likes to get up on his knees when on his tummy, but its more in anger. Nolan is talking a lot!

Things we do to make Mom and Dad smile? funny noises, blowing raspberries, smiling a lot, snuggles, noticing each other and reaching for faces!

Our Pictures:
What a cute bunch!

Henry 6 months! Hank the Tank!

Graham 6 months! Our little flirt!

Nolan, 6 months! A mini Mollie

I had to post this one too, it is just too funny....