1st- 27 weeks with some contractions... sent home after a couple hours
2nd- This last Monday, May 20th- more contractions in a shorter period of time... but sent home because they stopped.
3rd time- This happened due to the results of my dr. appointment this last Thursday.
I went in for a growth ultrasound, Bio Physical Profile, and Non-stress-test. These are my favorite because we get to see a detailed ultrasound of the babies and see specifically how much they weigh- based on the size of their heads, bellies, and femur bones.
Baby A came in at a whopping 4 pounds! 52% for weight! Growing boy!
Baby B came in at 3 pounds 3 ounces- 20th% for weight... a little smaller than expected
Baby C came in at 3 pounds 7 ounces- 22nd % for weight... smaller but still on the growing curve.
They all passed their breathing test, flexibility, non stress test... so it was just size I found out they were a bit concerned about.
Dr. Wagner came in (such a great doc!) to let me know he was happy for the most part, but was a little concerned that baby B's size was starting to plateau and wanted to do a few days of monitoring to make sure he was not under any stress... (his lack of size was due to a bit of resistance in his blood flow from the cord. You don't want it to resist too much, or even reverse, otherwise that would result in immediate delivery)
So I was told I just had to be at the hospital by early evening, so they could also give me my first round of the steroid to help jump start lung development. So off we went around 6:30 to the mother-baby center for a 3 day monitoring session at the hospital.
I was put on the second floor, in an anti-pardon room. We got settled in, Dave stayed for a bit, but then headed home to be with our pup and also because he had to work in the AM. I didn't sleep very well the first night, but the bed was not too bad!
The next couple days were pretty low key:
They would monitor the babies once in the morning, and once at night. This meant they would put heart monitors on my belly and listen for a good 30 minutes to make sure all three would have heart excelerations 15 above their baseline heart rate, and last for at least 15 seconds.
I had a total of 6 of these sessions. They passed every time!
This test helped us to see if any of the babies were under any stress... which would show in their heart rates. If they passed this test, we wouldn't have to do further measures.
Baby B was a bit of a stinker... it is like he knows he is being monitored... he has always been our mover and shaker.
Baby C always cooperated... easiest to find his heartbeat, and would give us what we needed in the tests.
Baby A had his moments... but he is the one who responds most when I have orange juice... ALL OVER THE PLACE!
Because of the size of baby B, they are now saying they will not let me deliver past 34 weeks. Just to make sure they come out before anything changes too much.
While at the hospital I had some visitors. It helped the days pass quickly... some brought some great treats which I was grateful for! THANK YOU for those who came to spend some time with me! The remainder parts of the day were spent watching a lot of wedding shows on TLC, playing candy crush, facetiming, or watching Parenthood on Netflix.
The facility was very nice (HUGE bathroom), wonderful nurses, great room! I am looking forward to going back for the delivery of our boys.
I was given the clear to go home this morning.... so Dave picked me up around 10:45. We went out to brunch to celebrate being about to go home!
It has been a relaxing evening at home, in my own bed, eating our own food, snuggling with the pup.
It is crazy to think in 12 days or less our boys will be here! Lets just hope I can keep them in there as long as possible!
How we spent an evening in the hospital:
Cribbage, DQ malts, and popcorn