Sunday, March 31, 2013

baby update- 24 weeks!!! HAPPY EASTER!

How far along? 24 weeks 1 day

Sleep? Off and on...

Maternity Clothes? you know it!

 Best Moment this week? Having more people being able to feel the babies kicking... so fun to share!

Miss Anything? Being able to get in and out of the car with ease.

Movement? oh yes, lots... especially when I lay down.

Size of the Babies? Eggplant

Food Cravings? More and more sweets this week.

Morning Sickness? NO!

Gender?  Three little BOYS! 

Bed Rest? Not yet.... a few braxton hicks though...

Limitations? "Sit when you can" 

 Weight Gain?  I will have a better guess on Friday with my next appointment.

Pregnancy Symptoms?  same old....

Belly Button In or Out? stretched but still in!

Wedding Rings On or Off?  Still On

Looking Forward To? Seeing those little guys on Friday!

What Dave is saying.... he is reading to my belly.... can't start too early! :)

Happy Easter! A post on Easter festivities to come....
but for now... here is a 24 week belly picture!

Monday, March 25, 2013

Minivan membership!

Yes, it is true... last Thursday, Dave and I joined the minivan club... we knew the day we were told it was triplets, a minivan was in our near future! We didn't think it would happen so soon, but we have embraced it, and we actually are LOVING our new ride!

We were looking at a Dodge Grand Caravan, and a Chrysler Town and Country. Both have the stow and go seating feature, which is fabulous when carting around multiple children and  all their STUFF....

Our friends Kristin and Keith have a Dodge and we really liked their car... so after doing some test driving a few, we found one we liked.... we spent about 5 hours at the dealership with all the finance hulabaloo... but in the end we got a pretty good deal on a used 2012 Dodge Grand Caravan with 35,000 miles on it.... trading in Dave's Trailblazer...

Dark grey in color

We have power doors that we can open from the key, or from the inside of the car... the seats can fold down into the floor in a very one swift motion... lots of storage... and AMAZING gas mileage!

The plan is to have 2 babies in the back bench, and one in the middle captain chair, with the other captain chair folded down in the floor for easy access into the back.

And that my friends is our new ride! We are thrilled!

Moms of multiples sale!

This last weekend the Northside M.O.M's group hosted their annual sale... lots of clothes, toys, strollers, high chairs... you name it... they have it.. and usually multiple sets!
since I am a member of the group I got to preview sale shop on Friday night! Another bonus... since I am pregnant, I got to bring a "helper" (my sister Steph), and I got to be at the head of the line to shop first! Kind of neat!
They open the sale up on Saturday to the public for anyone to come and get what they need... like a well organized garage sale! It was AWESOME!

I made out with quite  large bag of clothes of all sizes... I only got up to about 9 months... because you just don't know sizes after that... I even got some premie size clothes... so crazy how teeny tiny they are... they are a hard size to find in retail stores but at a multiples sale, there was a plethora!

We grabbed another bouncy seat that vibrates, a little activity table, a double snap and go stroller, and a big bag full of toys... all for such a great deal!

It was fun to have my sister come and meet all the ladies I have been hanging out with lately and getting advice from. She was just blown away at the many moms of triplets that were there... she had so many questions... simply..."how do you do it?" and " What is a typical day like for you?"  I guess when you are only used to having one at a time, you become curious of a lifestyle outside of it.... but this life of three babies... will be my new normal... BRING IT ON! :)

I didn't get too many pictures....

the room of toys...

half the room of clothes...

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Baby update- 23 weeks!

How far along? 23 weeks 1 day

Sleep? As uncomfortable as it can be sometimes... I am sleeping a lot more than expected!

Maternity Clothes? oh yes!

 Best Moment this week? Reaching 23 weeks... babies are viable now.... a huge milestone! But to keep them in there as long as possible is the ultimate goal!

Miss Anything? Not having to worry about eating... I know I have to eat a lot, but it is a lot harder than I thought it would be!

Movement? more and more every day! A highlight of pregnancy!

Size of the Babies? Ears of corn this week.

Food Cravings? If I could eat Punch Pizza every day, I would! 

Morning Sickness? NO!

Gender?  Three little BOYS! 

Bed Rest? Not yet....

Limitations? "Sit when you can" 

 Weight Gain?  about 11 pounds.

Pregnancy Symptoms?  Nothing new to report, just the standard.

Belly Button In or Out? Still in, but stretching.

Wedding Rings On or Off?  Still On

Looking Forward To? My 25 week ultrasound... seeing how they are growing!

What Dave is saying.... these babies come with a lot of stuff... (he did just finish putting up the third and final crib! WHAT A GUY!)

Here is a belly pic with my BFF, Marina. She is due early April with her second ... can't wait to find out what she is having!

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Baby Shower 4- family shower!

My final shower in the last 2 weeks was hosted by my 3 sisters, Steph, Taylor, and Casey today, on St. Patty's day!

This shower consisted of some family members, mother in law, Dave's aunt Connie and close friends who we consider family!

Food: this was the shower where I put in a few requests.... we had a veggie pizza, fruit pizza, a strawberry/tomato bruschetta, and brownies.... So tasty! They did a great job!

Games we played:
1. We had to name the baby animal .... for instance.... Dog.... Puppy, or Elephant.... Calf.... A fun game!

2. We had one minute to write down all the titles of songs with the word BABY in it...
my list consisted of : Baby got back, Baby Baluga, HIt me baby one more time, Rock a by baby.... etc

3. 10 pictures were passed around of famous people as children... This was a tough game... 
Some of the famous people were- Julia Roberts, Tiger Woods, Jackie Kennedy, Katie Holmes, Judy Garland, and Madonna. 

Here are some of the fun pictures from the shower!

Sara, Taylor, Nora, and Casey... all in green for the day! Thanks for all your help today!

Steph and baby Ally!

The group!

present opening...

and awesome bath gift set!

Such cute outfits from Auntie Steph!

we got our 2 rock and plays... the new big thing....

This is now our basement... we have some organizing to do!

I can't express the gratefulness Dave and I have for all our family and friends! 

Baby Shower 3- friends shower

So this was my final weekend of double showers!

On Saturday, my friends, Marina and Kristin hosted a shower with all my dear girlfriends.... this group of women was made up of friends from all stages of my life.... high school, church, college, seminary, family... a wide variety!

The theme for the shower was safari themed. Cute animal decorations, adorable invitation, and wonderful food! Lots of salads- fruit, veggie, pasta, spinach, cous cous.... and to top it all off... an ice cream cake from Dairy Queen and some delicious brownies!

Games we played:
1. Marina and Kristin bought a lot of the "little things" off our registry and placed them on a table. We had 1 minute to memorize as much as we could on the table, and then had one minute to write down what we could remember! This was a lot harder then we all anticipated!

2.We played price is right game with some of the items on the table... who ever guessed the closest got the point.... again difficult, but fun!

3. The girls were all given string at the length they wished... some assumed it was to measure my belly.
When it came time for this game... each of the girls had to talk about how they know me and share stories for as long as it took to wrap the length of their string around their finger.... CLEVER!

We had fun opening gifts and enjoying each other's company!
So fun to have some of my closest friends all in one room to celebrate these boys!

Here are some fun pics from the day!

Amber and Ashley- Friends from church and high school... Ashley is due with a little boy in April!

Cute bibs!

Group Shot!

Melissa, Em, and Marina... dear fiends from high school.
Marina is due with a baby in April!

My sisters and mom...
Steph, mom-Vicki, Taylor, and Casey

How the guys decided to bring gifts out to the car... through the window... to save time!

Saturday, March 16, 2013

baby update- 22 weeks!

How far along? 22 weeks 1 day

Sleep?  It is tricky... enough said

Maternity Clothes? I got some great hand me downs from friends! THANKS!

 Best Moment this week? Probably getting one of the cribs set up this week.... this is really happening!

Miss Anything? Being able comfortably snuggle up next to my hubby. This belly is getting in the way.

Movement? oh yes, most in the morning, and right before bed at night.

Size of the Babies? Papaya (8 in,  1.5 lbs)

Food Cravings?Nothing specific... just trying to get my daily 4000 calories. 

Morning Sickness? no....just tired and run down....

Gender?  Three little BOYS! 

Bed Rest? Still going semi strong, but taking it easy.

Limitations? Just listening to my body to rest... 

 Weight Gain?  about 11 pounds.

Pregnancy Symptoms?  mood swings, stretch marks, and heartburn, oh my.

Belly Button In or Out?  slowly stretching out but not an outie, yet!

Wedding Rings On or Off?  Still On

Looking Forward To? organizing all the shower gifts.

What Dave is saying.... All these gifts from showers... we are going to need a bigger house... or some shelving units... or a shed.... or maybe just a bigger house!

here is a semi good belly pic from my shower today with my friend Kelly

Monday, March 11, 2013

Baby Shower- pea in a pod theme!

I had another shower on Sunday, hosted by my mom's church friends- Grace circle! 
These are women who are close dear friends of my moms... but also all have daughters who are around my age who I am dear friends with! This is a group of women who LOVE to get together and celebrate life! 

The moms!

The daughters

The theme for this shower was three peas in a pod.... it was all so cute how everything was themed down to a T!
The beautiful set table! - AMAZING food!

Cute little favors for the girls to take home!

We played two games
1- We smelled 12 different baby foods and guessed what they were.... I only got half right. There are some crazy flavors out there! I will be interested to see what these boys take to, and which they dislike...

Addison, Amber, and Ashley making their best guess!

2. All the ladies measured out a length a string to see how big I was around.... we had some good laughs to what size people think I was.... Sue Long was within an INCH.... and Ashley- who is also pregnant and due in a month- measured her belly and added an inch or two- and she too was really close! I was so impressed!

We had a great time sharing stories and talking about our upcoming lifestyle with triplets as we opened gifts!
With each shower I have, I feel less and less anxious about these boys making an appearance... we are really becoming prepared... but yet again, how prepared can you really be for parenthood? :)

Sippy cups!

High chair that attaches to our chairs... space savers!

Diapers, wipes, and changing pad! So practical! Love it!

"Mommy's major hunk"

Cute monkey outfits! 
our boys are going to be dressed well!

Pack and play!! Elephant themed! :)

It was such a fun blessed day! Thank you to Grace Circle and their daughters for your love and support!

Saturday, March 9, 2013

The First baby shower!

I had my first baby shower today! This shower was hosted by my three dearest college girlfriends, Dana, Emiley, and Anni. They did such a great job! Amazing food, cute decorations, and a low key, enjoyable time!

This shower consisted of a few friends from college, my friend Jillian and her daughter Ava came! It was fun having a little 2 year old running around... such great entertainment. Our college friend Zeb came all the way from Mankato! Made my day!
The rest of the guests consisted of Emiley and Dana's moms, and three ladies I have gotten to know the past year and a half... 3 other church youth workers from around the Anoka area. Jenna, Elise, and Ashley! It was a great group today!

Everyone wrote down pieces of advice as I become a mom... let alone a mom of triplets.
Some of the advice included-
Kids are messy
pick your battles
remember, they are a gift from God
sleep often now
take lots of pictures
but the most common one was to have date nights with Dave... (we plan to!!!!)

We had some tasty quiche, fruit skewers, coffee cake, and BLUE punch for food.
Here are some pics from the day!

The baby Einstein jumper! AMAZING bow for decoration!

A wall hanging hand made by Elise to hang in the nursery!

Of course cute outfits! Thanks Deb!

Sue and Dana- mother daughter- 2 amazing hostesses

Blue Punch!

Zeb! The token male at the shower!

This is how they "wrapped" the crib- yes those are my three faces... lol clever!

Table of baby pics- the triplets, mine (right), and Dave with his great grandma

Cute Vikings gift! These boys are ready for the season!

Dana, Anni, and Emiley- incredible friends, amazing hostesses!

Feeling so blessed after today!

Baby Update- 21 weeks

How far along? 21 weeks 1 day

Sleep?  more and more pillows are added to our bed weekly... back sleeping is for sure out now..

Maternity Clothes?  yep, but my favorite thing to wear are grey sweatpants!

 Best Moment this week? I passed my glucose test!!! With Flying colors too.... people were shocked because of the triplet factor.... but hey, I will take it!!!

Miss Anything? Stamina to get through a day.

Movement? Yes! Lots! Dave is even feeling the kicks now. So fun!

Size of the Babies?  Spaghetti Squash- 8 in, 1 pound.

Food Cravings? Varies from day to day... 

Morning Sickness? no....just tired and run down....

Gender?  Three little BOYS! 

Bed Rest? NOthing yet, but I was told.. sit whenever possible.

Limitations? Just listening to my body to rest... 

 Weight Gain?  about 9 pounds.

Pregnancy Symptoms?  HEARTBURN, fatigue, ankles are a bit swollen.

Belly Button In or Out?  Still In.... for now

Wedding Rings On or Off?  Still On

Looking Forward To? Another shower tomorrow!

What Dave is saying.... I love that belly.... I love making the babies dance with music.

here is a preview pic of my shower today. These are my three college girlfriends, Emiley, Anni, and Dana.... amazing hostesses!